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PZC Minutes 2-23-01
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Walter Mealy, Marshall Montana, Louise                          Evans, Pat Porter, Sue Larsen, Kevin McCann

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Doug Manion, Patrick Kennedy, Roger Cottle

STAFF PRESENT:  Marcia Banach, Director of Planning
                        Jerry Iazzetta, Town Engineer
                        Jim Bubaris, Consultant Traffic Engineer


The Regular Meeting was opened at 7 p.m. Kennedy sat until Montana’s arrival at 7:40 P.M.; Cottle sat for Wentzell.

There was no public participation for items not on the agenda.


Wheeler Estates – final plans review

Town Engineer, Jerry Iazzetta, commented that the plan presented by Mr. Kebalo shows a few changes.  He commented that the decision on whether to allow 3ft. wide sidewalks, as proposed by the applicant, should remain up to the commission.

Mr. Kebalo commented that the letter submitted stands on its own merit.  Exhibit 1.

Motion to approve with modifications was made by Commissioner Kennedy and
seconded by Commissioner Evans.  

A discussion ensued on whether the sidewalks should be the proposed 3ft. or 4ft wide.  It was agreed that the applicant should use 4ft. wide sidewalks and a cross-hatch should run across the road in front of the community hall.  

An amended motion was made by Larsen to have 4ft. wide sidewalks, A, B & C should be eliminated and cross-hatching should be installed on the road in front of the community hall.  The motion was seconded by Porter.

The amended motion passed and the vote was: 4-2; Porter, aye, Larsen, aye, Evans, aye, Cottle, aye, Kennedy, nay.  The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

Evergreen Estates – acceptance of Fee in Lieu of Open Space in the amount of $22,800

Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Cottle. The motion passed, and the vote was as follows: 5-1 aye; Evans, Cottle, Porter, Larsen, Montana; McCann naye.

Buffer area at 26 Hillside Drive and 938 Sullivan Avenue

A letter from Stanley Zalegowski and Josephine Mazzarella, Exhibit 2, regarding a buffer at 26 Hillside Drive and 938 Sullivan Avenue was addressed. The owner and abutter want to cut down the old buffer plantings because they are no longer effective as buffer trees due to the lower branches being missing. The trees do block sunlight into the abutter’s property. It was suggested that Karl Reichle, Tree Warden should advise as to what type of, replacement trees should be planted.

Motion to approve the request to cut down the old buffer trees and replace with new, shorter variety evergreens was made by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  
The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

Watson Farm – request for PZC support for redesignating land in State Plan for Conservation and Development

Evans read into the record a letter drafted by the Director of Planning, M. Banach.  Banach asked for the commission’s approval to send the letter. Exhibit 3.

Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner Cottle.
The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

Kennedy sat for Montana who had previously disqualified herself from this application.

ITEM:  Miscellaneous

Banach informed the commission that South Windsor has received notification from the Town of Manchester re Gateway Plaza, LLC, for a site plan located on Deming St. and Avery St. The commissioners will receive copies of the notification.  

The regular meeting was closed at 7:25 p.m.


Chairman Mealy called the public hearing to order at meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Commissioner Evans read the Legal Notice as published in the Journal Inquirer.

Kennedy sat for Wentzell.

Proposed Floodplain Amendments – minor revisions

Jerry Iazzetta explained that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the federal agency that administers the national flood insurance program, is requiring some technical amendments to our zoning regulations. He read into the record the letter dated 1/19/01.  Exhibit 4.  

Iazzetta briefly reviewed the changes.

There was no input from the public.

The commissioners had the following questions/concerns:

?       Are there any properties in South Windsor with flood insurance?
        Iazzetta responded yes there are quite a few in South Windsor.

Appl 00-61P, Richard S. Kelley and The Stop & Shop Supermarket Company, site plan for a 57,946  sq. ft. building at the Town Center, westerly side of Buckland Rd. and southerly side of Ellington Rd., RC zone

Attorney Tom Cody, counsel for the applicant, reviewed Stop & Shop’s new proposal.  He submitted resumes of the team of people who put together the new application. He also submitted an affidavit stating that signs have been posted in the appropriate time frame.  See file.

He then introduced the presenters for tonight’s application: Larry Wagner, of Appledore Engineering, NH, John Matthews, Architect with John Matthews, Madison, CT and Richard Kelley, principal with RSK-Kellco, Inc., South Windsor and owner of Town Center.  

Larry Wagner narrated the slide presentation.  He explained that the new plan being presented tonight addresses the community’s comments to the previous application, traffic patterns at the site and the architectural theme at Town Center.  They have worked to incorporate a village type atmosphere into the center.

This application is for a 57,946 sq. ft. grocery store, which will be a 24-hour operation. This proposal is 17.5% smaller than the previous application. A total of 162 parking spaces are proposed which is a 13% reduction.   The parking waiver for smaller parking spaces, 9’ x 18’, is still being requested in lieu of the 10 x 20 parking spaces now required. The spaces will be double striped and the 9 x 18ft. spaces do allow for further landscaping.  The applicant did note that 9 x 18ft. parking spaces are allowed in the Buckland Gateway zone.  The parking plan proposes an area for the gazebo and some of the interior aisles have been eliminated. They are requesting 33 reserve spaces, which will allow for additional landscaping.  A copy of the proposed parking plan was submitted.  See file.  

The application conforms to all bulk area zoning requirements within the RC zone. They have also given up rights to the 8,000 sq. ft. office building at the center.  The storage of all shopping carts will be inside the store.

Internal circulation at the site was addressed.  The interior collector drive’s existing landscaping will be modified for better sight lines.  A through road for all service vehicles will run around the building with a 30ft. wide turning radius.  Three access points are proposed which should balance the traffic flow in and out of the site.  The Webster Bank drive will remain the same with three curb cuts previously considered taken down to one.  The turning radius has been increased.

The Sovereign Bank driveway will be relocated 100ft. to the west, creating a 4-way intersection.  A left turn lane has been added inside the site to access CVS.  The island at the right turn from the driveway near CVS will be made larger, and the driveway exit further channeled to preclude vehicles turning left onto Buckland Road.  The left turn storage lane will be increased 45ft.  Sight lines are adequate and the intersection is at a “B” level of service with minimal delay.  There is no history of accidents at this intersection.  

Terry Office Park drive currently has no left turn lane and this plan does provides for one. Buckland Road will be widened on both sides of the road.  The applicants are proposing a traffic signal to be installed at this entrance.   With the installation of the traffic light the level of service would be an “A”.  The drive inside Terry Office Park will be resurfaced.  

H.F. Hesketh prepared the traffic study for Stop & Shop. See file.  The report takes no credit for the 20% pass-by traffic that is already on the road that would go to Stop & Shop at Town Center. This makes for a conservative traffic estimate. There are four areas of mitigation: the intersection of Ellington/Clark needs a signal to make it a “B” or “C” level; the left turn lane on Ellington Road should be increased by 500ft; the left turn lane at the CVS drive should be increased by 45ft.; and a traffic signal should be installed at the Terry Office Park drive.  With these improvements all of the intersections would be at an adequate level of service.  Improvements noted inside Town Center will include a sidewalk, which will connect the gazebo to the easterly side of the parking lot, the gazebo will be reconstructed and moved to a more prominent location with plants and flowers arranged around it.   The existing signage currently at Town Center will remain.

Lighting will consist of new 25ft. metal halide, opaque lighting fixtures directed downward. The previous waiver request for 35’ light pole height has been eliminated. All perimeter lighting will be dimmed at 10 p.m.  

The receiving area to the rear of the store will be enclosed.  There will be no external storage of garbage; all trash will be loaded into sealed, screened compactors. Roof top equipment will be also be screened.

All existing trees in the buffer at the back of the site will be saved with additional plantings added.

Larry Wagner briefly reviewed drainage at the site. See drainage study in file.  

Landscaping will be at 11% for the interior parking area.  Existing trees will be supplemented.  One hundred fifty three additional shrubs plantings are also planned.  
Architect John Matthews reviewed building design. He noted that the Stop & Shop building has been redesigned to blend into the center, and proposed some additional design changes at the center to improve its appearance. The existing 3ft. wide columns which have sharp edges are not appropriate for a shopping center and should be replaced with a 16” round design placed on top of a block style base.  A third gable has been added to the east side of the building.   The two entranceways to the store will be connected and covered.  The storage of shopping carts will be inside the store and located under a large window to orient people to it.  The center gable has a window added.  All windows will have a white trim.  

The gable color has been changed to a dark gray and a third gable added to the east side. An outdoor courtyard is also planned.  

Dick Kelley, Principal with RSK Kellco, 1744 Ellington Rd., addressed the commission.  Mr. Kelley gave a brief history of the site and what he envisioned for the Town Center when he built it.  

Attorney Tom Cody concluded the presentation.  He stated that everything shown at tonight’s presentation had been submitted for the record.  He asked that they be allowed to rebut public comments.

M. Banach reviewed the Planning Department report:

Request for site plan of development approval to construct an addition to the existing Town Center for a Stop & Shop grocery store, RC zone. Maximum impervious coverage allowed is 60%, 57% proposed. Proposed building height is 43 feet; 45 feet allowed. Existing front yard setback is nonconforming at 61 feet due to the taking of land for the reconstruction of 4-corners, 65 feet required.
Our traffic report will be provided by our traffic engineering consultant, Jim Bubaris. I do, however, want to note that Town staff have expressed concern regarding the driveway entrance on Buckland Road on many occasions since the inception of the Town Shopping Center, and we reiterate that concern with the doubling of site traffic that is anticipated with this application. Left turns into and out of that driveway are of particular concern. The left turn prohibition on exiting traffic is frequently ignored by drivers; and other drivers turn right as required, then turn around in one of the driveways across the street to go northbound. This is further complicated by the poorly functioning CVS parking lot. The Town has done a lot of work to improve the 4-corners intersection and doesn’t want to see an increase in accidents at a major driveway that is so close to the main intersection.
State Traffic Commission approval is required for the expansion.
The Commission’s strong architecture and design review requirements recognize that the public is a “captive audience” to its man-made environment. Some of the stated purposes of the Commission’s design review regulation are:
to preserve the special character of existing neighborhoods;
to mitigate negative effects from exterior appearances of buildings erected in any neighborhood;
to promote the development of a harmonious character in newly developing areas.
The design review regulations further note that “findings as to the adequacy of design, architectural treatment and aesthetic character shall be made in view of the fact that…inappropriateness … of design in the exterior appearance of buildings erected in any neighborhood may adversely affect the desirability of the immediate area and the neighboring areas for residential, business, or other purposes.” The Building Design requirements include:
Buildings shall have good scale and be in harmonious conformance with permanent neighboring development.
Materials shall have good architectural character and shall be selected for harmony of the building with adjoining buildings.
The Commission will need to determine whether the proposed architecture complies with the requirements of the Architecture & Design Review regulations.
There are currently 545 parking spaces on this site. The number of spaces required with the proposed Stop & Shop is 700 spaces; 707 proposed. Some of the spaces are shown as reserve spaces, and would only be constructed if needed. The applicant has requested a waiver of parking space size from 10’ x 20’ to 9’ x 18.’ Landscaping is required for 5% of the interior parking lot; and in addition, one tree is required for every ten spaces.
South Windsor Police Department has reviewed the plans and has the following recommendations:
Channelize the right turn out from CVS so that vehicles are physically unable to make a left turn;
Install a traffic signal at the entrance to Terry Office Park (mast arm & LED lights);
Construct a left-turn lane at that traffic signal that is of sufficient length;
Provide a deceleration lane for the right-turn entrance at Terry Office Park; and
Provide an entrance lane and two exit lanes at the Terry Office Park exit onto Buckland Road (11 foot lanes).
The site is served by public sewer and water. Water Pollution Control Authority approval is required for the addition.
Loading docks are completely internal and face the adjoining Terry Office Park. A ten-foot high fence and landscaping have been used to soften the view of the loading docks from the abutting property.
The Architectural and Design Review Committee reviewed the application on January 4. The Committee has a concern regarding the intensity of the proposed lighting. They requested that the Town have the plans reviewed by a lighting engineer for conformance with the Illuminating Engineers Society guidelines. They also recommended that the lighting be dimmed at 11 p.m.
We have an opportunity here to take advantage of major improvements in decorative street and parking lot lighting fixtures and utilize some decorative fixtures instead of just shoebox fixtures. We recommend that parking lot lighting include some decorative fixtures with efficient cutoff capabilities and appropriate shields to direct the light properly.
Site landscaping does incorporate some features from the Wapping Landscaping theme, such as the zelkova trees and daylily plantings.
The proposed building signage includes a series of subordinate signs such as pharmacy along the sign band. The signage regulations are non-specific in this zone regarding whether “building signage” is one sign or can be several signs. A determination will need to be made regarding the subordinate signage.
There are no buffers required since the site does not abut a residential zone.
All site dumpsters are proposed to be located on concrete pads and screened. Stop & Shop does not use dumpsters; they have their own trash compactors.
There are regulated wetlands on site, primarily located in the detention basin built when this site was first constructed. IWA/CC granted approval on July 5 with a bond of $5000 for erosion and sedimentation control plus a $5000 bond to ensure growth of the basin plantings, and no unusual approval conditions. The plans include a biannual operations and maintenance plan for removal of sediment from stormwater structures and parking lot sweeping. IWA/CC made a determination on December 20 that a new application was not needed for the revisions.
Pedestrian access throughout the site needs to be reviewed by the Commission for adequacy. There has been an effort by the owners of the Town Center, Tolland Bank and the Savings Bank of Rockville to create an internal walkway that will interconnect all of these sites, so that patrons can park in one location and conduct their business at any of the facilities without having to drive between sites. We would like to ensure that the Town Center buildings are pedestrian-accessible from anywhere within the Center.
At some other Stop & Shop facilities, traffic control in the fire lane is accomplished with the use of sawhorses. At our request, the applicant has added a note to the plans prohibiting fire lane control in this manner.
Jim Bubaris, Principal with Bubaris Associates, reviewed his traffic report.  Exhibit 5.
J. Iazzetta, Town Engineer, reviewed the following Engineering report:
We have reviewed the revised drawings dated 01/04/01 and the drainage study dated 10/24/00 for the proposed Stop & Shop Site Plan and have the following comments:

WPCA approval will be required.
It is recommended that the existing entrance on Buckland Road at CVS be closed for safety.  If it is felt by the Planning & Zoning Commission that this is not advisable, then it is recommended that a right turn-in only with a deceleration lane be provided.
It is recommended that all pavement areas in the Town Center be paved completely (base and final courses) prior to any certificate of occupancy being given to Stop & Shop and if this application is approved, it is recommended that this be an approval condition.

Drainage Studies
Gutter flow analysis not provided
The Town’s standard storm sewer system design sheets should be provided.

Plot Plan – Sheet C-2
A-2 certification is required.
Regarding the reworked access road in the rear of the buildings near the entrance to Summerville - can a large truck, such as a WB-50, safely make the turning movement necessary to exit from the rear of the buildings?

Utilities Plan – Sheet C-4
It appears that some of the existing sanitary sewer main and some laterals are to be removed.  Please have applicant show these with note indicating they are to be removed.
It appears that there are three possible conflicts between the sanitary and storm pipes proposed – the pipe from PDMH3 to the detention basin, the pipe from PCB3 to PCB14 and the pipe from PCB3 to PDMH1.  Please have applicant investigate.
PCB12 should be moved further south to catch as much storm water as possible before it goes down the access road.
The new 42” RCP terminating into the detention basin does not indicate what type of structure is at the detention basin – i.e. flared end, etc.
An existing well is shown in the area of the expanded detention basin (near 42” inlet).  Please have applicant address the disposition of this well.

Traffic Control Plan – C-6a
The 100-foot left turn lane may not be sufficient if left turning movements into the CVS drive are eliminated.
The widening of Buckland causes the sidewalk over the culvert to be reduced to 3.9 feet from the curb to parapet wall.  It also reduces the snow shelf along the properties on the east side of Buckland Road.

Traffic Control Plan – C6b
The plan view shows a slightly reconfigured entrance at CVS.  It is recommended that this entrance be eliminated for safety reasons.  However, if the Planning and Zoning Commission feels that this is not advisable, it is felt that only right turns into this entrance should be allowed, and a deceleration lane provided.
If this entrance at CVS is to remain as proposed, it is recommended that the island be further reconfigured to eliminate any possibility of making a left turn from the entrance onto Buckland Road.

Off-Site Sedimentation Control and Utilities Plan – Sheet 7a & 7b
The plan shows modifications to the existing catch basins due to the road widening.  The applicant should provide cross sections at those locations so that the proposed modifications can be evaluated.
If this application is approved, the Planning Dept. requests appropriate approval modifications to address the previously noted issues.
He submitted a letter from the State Traffic Commission dated 12/12/00 to Mr. Scott Hesketh.  Exhibit 6.
Evans read letters submitted for the record. Exhibits A-C.
Public participation in favor of the application:
Richard Mahoney, 10 North Main St., West Hartford, part owner of Terry Office Park stated that Stop & Shop has resolved all of the concerns he had previously.  He noted that the architectural improvements are very good.  He did state that traffic into the site should be left as is (CVS drive) and not through Terry Office Park.  
Dennis Kerlsen, owner of Video America at Town Center, voiced support for the application.
Jeff Coho, owner of Kamco Florists 1676 Ellington Rd. and across from Town Center, also voiced support.  He believes the Stop & Shop will only help the surrounding businesses.
Charles Regulbutto,41 Orchard Hill Drive, believes South Windsor needs a supermarket.
Marge Glater, 21 Hazel St. and owner of Mother Goose Daycare, believes this is an appropriate site for Stop & Shop.
Link Streeter, 56 Bramblebrae Lane, spoke for the application.  
Dan Weiss, owner of Perfect Piece Consignment Shop, believes the Town Center needs an anchor store.
Frank Cass, 529 Clark Street, thinks Stop & Shop is needed.
Bruce Burnham, 1909 Main St., reviewed his opinion.  Exhibit 7.
Ann Zac, Executive Director of Summerville located in Town Center, stated the residents use the shops at Town Center and the Stop & Shop would be an asset to them also.  She did ask that the applicant reconsider the traffic flow near Summerville.  She asked that they limit the times that trucks could go by the SRD, specifically not being allowed through between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.
Cindy Welsh, owner of Attitudes Salon at 1750 Ellington Rd., stated that more businesses are needed in South Windsor.
Dan Caffrey, 30 Olham Rd., Wethersfield, spoke in favor of the application but did have concerns with traffic in the area.  
Public participation against the application:
Bart Pacekonis, 12-3 Arthur Drive, stated the new plan does keep in character with the “village” feel of South Windsor, but he is concerned with traffic.
Fred Katten, 440 Buckland Road, and owner of 15 acres across from the Town Center also have traffic concerns associated with the project and does not want Buckland Road widened. Exhibit 8.
John Samsel, 304 Abbe Road, stated that the RR zone is a zone geared for small-scale development and Stop & Shop is certainly not a small-scale development.  He stated this project would be better suited to the GC zone.  Traffic, sight lines, safety, effect on small businesses are all reasons to deny the application.  
Ray Gough, 42 Woodland Street, spoke against the application.
Audrey Wasik, 29 Carmen Rd., Manchester, stated that this application does not fit the small town feel of South Windsor, the building is too large, traffic concerns and the impervious coverage are all justifiable reasons for denial.
John Haverstock, counsel for a small group of businesses in South Windsor, reviewed his letter.  Exhibit 9.  
Andrew Wolfe, Traffic Engineer for Attorney Haverstock, 1131 Adams Rd., Schenectady, NY, reviewed his traffic report.  Exhibit 10.
Arthur Bisson, Chamber of Commerce member, stated the Chamber is not speaking against or for the proposal.  He reviewed a statement by Scott Andrusis also of the Chamber.  Exhibit 11.
Due to the late hour, Chairman Mealy inquired of the applicant if they would be willing to grant an extension so the public hearing might be continued.  Commissioners have not yet had a chance to question/comment to the application.  
Attorney Cody agreed to give an extension until 2/20/01.  The applicant will provide a court stenographer at the 2/13/01 hearing so the commissioners will have a record of the 2/13/01 meeting for the 2/20/01 meeting.  The commission agreed.
Motion to continue the hearing until 2/13/01 was made by Commissioner Porter and  
seconded by Commissioner Montana.  The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:30 p.m. was made by Commissioner Porter and
seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.  The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.  

Respectfully Submitted,

Deborah Favreau
Recording Secretary